Neck Lift versus Neck Liposuction: What’s The Difference?

Neck lift and neck liposuction in Houston, TX, is used for refining and contouring the neckline but with distinct surgical approaches. The right one for your condition will depend on your expectations and anatomy. A consultation with your surgeon will go a long way in determining the right one for you. Read on to discover the world of these incredible cosmetic surgical procedures.

What Is The Difference Between a Neck Lift and Liposuction?

Are you looking for an attractive neck? Call a local cosmetic surgeon today if you have a double chin or a wrinkled neck.

Nobody wants to waste the beauty of a fabulous bow tie or a beautiful piece of jewelry around a neck with extra fat?! So how to discover whether I should go for a neck lift or liposuction? Read on to learn which treatment may be best for you!

What is Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposuction in Houston, TX, is used to remove excess fat from the neck. It involves removing fat tissue from the deep layer of the neck and sculpting a contoured neck along with the jawline. You are ideal candidates for neck liposuction if there is excess fat in your neck with enough muscle and skin tone, and you will need to go through a neck lift procedure.

How Does Neck Liposuction Work?

Neck liposuction in Houston, TX, is one of the most preferred cosmetic procedures today. And it can be combined with other cosmetic procedures if necessary. Surgeons combine some cosmetic procedures with neck liposuction. For example, chin augmentation, blepharoplasty, facelift, and so on. The lower part of your chin and the back of your earlobes are about 3 mm each. A super wet solution is then infiltrated into the treatment area before a tiny cannula is used to eliminate the fat. Do you have a moderate skin tone? Your surgeon may use the Vaser ultrasonic liposuction method to emulsify the fat before its removal. And your skin will look younger after that.

How Long Is Recovery From Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposuction in Houston, TX, is usually carried out within 30 minutes. And local anesthesia is typically used with augmentation coming from mild intravenous sedatives. Immediately after the surgery, you will be discharged. Your recovery period starts now. Patients may experience discoloration and swelling. But they usually die down within some days, usually about ten days. You can begin the use of makeup after a week. Patients can resume their normal activities after about four days. You will get dramatic results that will make you look younger than your actual age. And be more attractive.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure for removing excess skin from your neck and tightening the drooping neck muscles. You may be fit for a neck lift if there is laxity in your neck’s skin or/and platysmal muscles. Plastic surgery involves several processes, including contouring fat, platysmal muscle lifting, tightening, re-draping and redistributing the skin, and evacuation.

What is a Neck Lift Procedure?

The surgery involves the creation of small incisions at the back of each ear. It allows extra neck skin to get removed from the substrate platysmal muscles. The surgeons remove excess fat before the fascia at the edges of the platysma muscles are lifted and tightened with sutures.

The looseness of your platysma muscles is looseness. Surgeons use sutures muscles to tighten the anterior muscles with a limited incision below the skin. Excess fat is removed, and a well-balanced, contoured, thin layer of fat is left behind. The skin of your neck will be re-draped, and excess skin is taken off through the incisions at the back of the ears. Your surgeon will then close the incision using dissolvable sutures to allow the scars to heal properly.

How Long Is Recovery From A Neck Lift?

Neck lift surgery usually lasts between 45 minutes and 2 hours based on your muscle looseness and the magnitude of the condition. Usually, intravenous sedation is used for the procedure. The surgeon may use general anesthesia during the process. You will be discharged after about one hour. Depending on the procedure’s complexity level, doctors may ask to stay overnight. At first, you will feel some degree of tightness beneath your neck. But this will subside after some days. They will take off stitches after a week. While swelling and discoloration will diminish after about 14 days. You can apply camouflage makeup after a week. And you can resume normal activities and exercises after about 14 days.

Side Effects and Complications of Neck Liposuction vs. Neck Lift

Some side effects of neck lift and neck liposuction in Houston, TX, are bruising and swelling, which may last for some days and a feeling of tightness. And various sensations such as pulling or burning, and numbness, among others. You should not worry about these side effects. They are not abnormal, and most will subside after some days. There is also the possibility of an infection, as it is a common side effect of all surgical procedures. Suppose you discover an unusual discharge at the treatment site or are feeling feverish. You should not hesitate to contact your doctor as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Recovery From The Procedures

Bouncing back after surgery, you should be able to return to work after about two weeks. If you participate in sporting or physical activities, you should wait about three weeks before beginning the activities again. It is crucial to give your body enough rest.

Does Insurance Cover The Procedures?

Since neck lift and liposuction in Houston, TX, are cosmetic processes, there may be no room for any insurance coverage. But if you go through the procedures to correct certain medical conditions, you may have chances for insurance coverage. You should speak with your insurance company about this.